You can use booleans to make your if statements more English-like. You can incorporate them into your conditional statements’ parenthesis as shown below. The boolean is a data type that has only two values: true or false. The syntax of a JavaScript if statement is: if (yourcondition = true ) How To Use Booleans In Your JavaScript If Statements We use the if-else statement when we want to execute the block based upon a given condition.

If statements tell the computer to make decisions based on a condition the programmer specifies. This article focuses on if statements, including ‘else if’ and ‘else’. We use the if-else statement to create logic in javascript.

There are various types of conditional statements in JavaScript, including ‘if’ statements and ‘switch’ statements. They enable you to control the flow of your programs using conditions, so you can make them more useful with few lines of extra code. When creating a form, you can use webcontrols such as the check box, the radio button, the combo box, etc to handle Boolean values.Īs seen in C#, the most fundament way to formulate a conditional statement is with the if keyword.If you’re writing programs in JavaScript, conditional statements may be your next best friend. When creating a function, you can add a parameter to it and treat it as a Boolean value. Conditional (ternary) statements are an integral part of all programming languages, which used to perform different actions based on different conditions. As seen with C#, you can also assign a Boolean expression to the variable. If the condition does prove true, it will execute the code defined inside its code block. In the same way, if the variable had already been declared, at any time, you can assign a Boolean value to it. An if statement will evaluate if a condition is true. If you want to indicate that it is Boolean, initialize it with the true or the false value. To start a Boolean value, declare a variable using the var keyword.

The JavaScript language supports Boolean variables and values the same way as C#. They just have some slight differences on a couple of operators. One of the concepts that both languages share is that of conditional statements.

Both C# and JavaScrit share the same ancestry of C-based or C-oriented languages. It works because in JavaScript, true & expression always evaluates to expression, and false & expression always.